Opening of a new blog

I am opening a new blog for my portfolio site Well, it is going to be somewhat similar with with a little different with formality. This blog is going to be artwork driven and would not document any of my journal which you will see on the other blog. A little complication but it is quite simple actually... well, anyway here's the first artwork post - Hunchback - a character design I did last year but was stashed very safely out of reach for a long time. I found it and redo it in color.

Don Low

My passion is drawing and sketching as much as time allows me to do so. I am a digital artist who loves to paint and draw with traditional media such as watercolor, pen and ink and” and etc.

1 comment:

WeiShan Yu said...

U built a new blog, too. Azmazing work! Plz show me more!
BTW, good luck to both of us for job hunting! Haha!